Balance boards are one of my very favourites pieces of equipment when it comes to surfing on land. Let me tell you how they help you and let me show you how to use them.
There are many types of balance boards. As a beginner, you want to start with a model that comes with an anti-slip surface, making your exercises safer and more comfortable.
You can use a balance board with or without shoes, but remember to have something to support yourself with, for the first few times of using your balance board.
I have personally used different kinds of balance boards over the last few years, but my favourite design is the one with a soft top, that doesn't hurt your feet but yet offers good grip.
At first balance boards can seem a little intimidating and difficult to master, but with just a few minutes everyday, following the right practice, you'll be the master of the board in no time!
Get my video training on how to use a balance board, it's free and it's what you need if you want to add this awesome piece of equipment to increase and maintain a very good balance.
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